Temple Project Proposal
Dear Child of God,
I bless you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has mandated me to arise and build a temple for the honor of His holy name, and where the tribes of the earth will come to give Him thanks.However glorious this task may be on the phase of the earth, I cannot fulfill it without your esteemed support.
You're invited to contribute US$100 for the realization of this project, and in appreciation of your effort, I shall reward with the e-book versions of all my four great spiritual books (see publications section). Any amount in $1,000 or multiples thereof will be treated as your personal investment trust fund for this project and will attract an interest payment of 5.5% p.a. In this perspective, JSCI will charge a one-time organization or offering fee of 2%, an annual asset management fee of 1% and a disposition fee of 0.5%. There are three categories of investors here. The platinum badge investor has portfolios of $1000-9000, silver badge investors have capital of $10,000-99,000 while gold investor invests $100,000 or more.
Your kind contributions can be sent to us by clicking below:
M-Pesa donations can be sent to us through +254 715 040760 from all over the world, or
Airtel Money donations is sent to us through 0733 736471.
Jerusalem Paradise Towers (JPT) Project Proposal
Project Period: January 2024 to December, 2027
Project Cost: US-$ 215,000,000
Project Owners: Jerusalem’s Shiners’ International and Partners
Contact Person:
Pst. Alex O. Ombura,
Regional Co-ordinator
P.O. Box: 57521-00200,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 715 040760.
Fax: +254 20 4447022
Email: ombura2000@yahoo.com or alex.ombura@gmail.com
Web: http://jerusalemsshinerschapelinternational.blogspot.com or
Architect, Structural & Civil Engineers:
Engineering Ministries International
130 East Kiowa, Suite 200,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903,
United States of America
Quantity Surveyor:
Master Bill (Kenya)
Registered Quantity Surveyors & Project Managers
P.O. Box: 22905-00400,
Nairobi, Kenya
Services Engineers:
Rex Consultants
Building Services Engineers
P.O. Box: 73878,
Nairobi, Kenya
Equity Bank Ltd
Swift code: EQBLKENA
Credit to: a/c no. 0470199022866,
A/C name: Alex O. Ombura
Branch: Buru Buru, or
Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank ( K ) Ltd (KCB)
Branch: Moi Avenue
Swift Code: KCBLKENX
Account Name: Alex Ouma Ombura
Account Number: 1117321495
1. Introduction
The Holy Scripture says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the GOD of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:2 and 3).
Now to fulfill this prophecy the LORD, GOD of Israel, has raised me up to be His servant, and has thereby commanded me: “This day, I’ve made you one of the greatest men to walk the earth. Arise, establish Jerusalem.”
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the Holy Scripture, I have come to learn that this command means the building of the grandiose mountain of the LORD’s house. It is known that the first temple was built by King Solomon (970-936 B.C.). This was later destroyed by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C. However, after the release of the captive Israelites from Babylon by King Cyrus the Mede, the temple was rebuilt under the then installed new governor of Judah – Zerubbabel (537-515 B.C.). It was this very temple that was renovated so radically by Herod the Great in 20 B.C. in order to try and win the support of the Jews to his side. This temple became the splendor of Jerusalem during the days of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth in the flesh. It remained standing until A.D. 70 when the Roman Emperor Titus raged it to the ground never to be rebuilt again by the Jews.
Thus began the era of the Gentiles treading under foot the holy city until their times be fulfilled as foretold by the prophets (Luke 21:24 and Revelation 11:2). There began the era of the Church as it is known by some. In this regard, the first command for the re-building of the temple came to Emperor Constantine of Rome in A.D. 330. Five years later he built a basilica at the temple site, but he dedicated the house of worship to Virgin Mary.
By this man provoked GOD to wrath by re-introduction of the ancient pagan cult of Queen of Heaven worship into the Body of Christ – the Church. Together with other numerous pagan practices of the ancient Roman religion, these were incorporated into the Church that Christ had founded under Peter and returned again in the spirit to reform His Church through the revelation given to Apostle John in A.D. 96 at the Isle of Patmos.
To prophet Jeremiah, the Almighty GOD had openly displayed His anger against the children of Israel when they resorted to the pagan cult of Queen of Heaven worship. He said to His prophet: “So do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them; do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you. Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather the wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women kneed the dough and make cakes of bread for the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger. But am I the one they are provoking? Are they not rather hearing themselves to their own shame? Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: My anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place, on men and beast, on the streets of the field and on the fruit of the ground, and it will burn and not be quenched” (Jeremiah 7:16-20).
The unquenchable anger of GOD is set to burn on this site until the LORD Jesus Christ returns to reign on earth in the flesh; for it is then that the Scripture foretells: “In that day will GOD raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and will raise up his ruins and will rebuild it as in the days of the old” (Amos 9:11).
Therefore now at the holy site stands the Islamic shrine, the Dome of Rock, built by Abdul-Miqdam Ridja in A.D. 691.
2. JERUSCOS’ Vision
Building the capacities of the communities, and their organizations, to be self-reliant and giving them the opportunity to assume more self-management and responsibilities for a sustainable human development.
3. JERUSCOS’ Mission
a) To build on CBOs capabilities, promote the development of community resource base, and underscore programs that are responsive to their ever-changing needs and conditions.
b) To undertake appropriate programs with communities in which their potentials and multiple roles can be harnessed to maximize their development.
4. Problem Statement
The greatest need currently is the task of raising US-$ 215 million. To realize this dream from the Kenyan public or Africa as a whole is a gigantic task. There is thus the need to gather the whole world for the realization of this great divine project on earth. For the Almighty GOD, the Holy One of Israel is the GOD of the whole earth.
However, for the earth to be rallied together to fulfill a divine cause the world’s population must be enlightened and empowered through a process of impartation of the Word of Truth. Since the dark cloud covers the world, and man’s love for GOD has greatly waned, there is the need to step up conscientious effort to bring the pure Gospel to the common man, woman, and the youth of the world.
There is, therefore, an ongoing need for focused and people-centered revival with special emphasis on human love, love for GOD, empowerment, and integrity in JERUSCOS’ programs.
5. Rationale
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I have learned that the LORD’s urgent command for the re-establishment of Jerusalem at this critical moment in man’s history is because Jerusalem stands for:
i) The earthly representation of the Throne of GOD Most High, and the City of Truth in Zion (Zechariah 8:3). We know that the Word of GOD is the Truth (John 6:63). It there-fore follows that this is the city of the Word of God. And Jesus Christ is that Word that the Scripture bears witness of (John 5:39).
ii) It is the navel of the world, i.e. it has umbilical honors, and all the peoples of the world are to be gathered here (Ezekiel 38:12; Zechariah 2:11; 8:22).
iii) It is idealized as the capital of the Kingdom of GOD (Revelation 21:2-23).
iv) It is the City of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18; Hebrews 7:2). It follows that in this chosen Jerusalem, the chosen melchizedek symbolizes the coming reign of the Perfect Melchizedek – the King of justice, peace, and righteousness. That is to say that this chosen ??? prepares the way of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus Christ.
v) It is the valley of visions (Isaiah 22:1).
vi) It is a tower of revelations (Isaiah 4:2).
vii) It is the precursor of the Messiah (Psalm 110).
viii) The city stands at a junction of two important trade routes of Israel.
ix) Although the origin of the name Jerusalem is not given in the Holy Bible, nevertheless the Jewish Talmud informs us that Noah’s son Shem was the founder of the city, and he called it Salem, meaning a place of peace. Abraham, however, during his time renamed the city Jeru which means a place of reverence. Their descendants – the Israelites, later not wanting to favor one of their great ancestors above the other – combined both names for the city and Jerusalem came to existence.
x) If the holy city is now given the Gentiles by the LORD, GOD Almighty, it is for two reasons: First, the Church of Christ is now given the Gentiles (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2). Secondly, it is to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah that “In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and ??? to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called the city of destruction. In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt” (Isaiah 19:18-20). Needless to say, the ancient Egypt of the Bible was the land of the black-man. Therefore now already established under Bishop (Dr.) David Oyedepo in Lagos, Nigeria, is the ancient city in the land of Canaan - Shiloh.
6. Methodology
The role of Community Based Management (CBM) is fundamental in this process. CBM is not just a methodology for implementing programs. It is really a way to prepare communities to “take control” in many areas, that will give them increased capabilities in the future. Because:
a) CBM gives communities a chance to practice decision-making and self-management so that they can use their resources better.
b) CBM helps communities to practice the skills of problem-solution analysis, project proposals, and semi-independent implementation. This makes them attractive to other development agencies.
c) Development agencies do not have sufficient funds to handle all of the development assistance required by communities. They must thus demonstrate their commitment to working for their own development. Northern partners now expect good investments, good returning, effective and efficient use of money.
d) CBM provides an opportunity for communities to adequately tap external resources for development programming. In addition, CBM builds confidence, so that communities can be more pro-active towards government to demand goods and services.
e) CBM increases community commitment to sustain their infrastructure and services. It helps communities to look at their resources, manage them and make decisions on how to use them. This decentralization ensures the devolution of power, decision-making, and services to communities, rather than reliance on central government to maintain such services and systems.
f) CBM helps communities to empower themselves to take over what agencies have been doing so that they are less dependent and have the power of self-determination.
7. Planned Outcomes
Jerusalem Paradise is the mountain of the LORD’s house. This grandiose city of GOD bearing the LORD’s sanctuary is to be built in the city of Nairobi. Thus says the LORD: “My sanctuary shall mark the sky-lines of Nairobi”.
The planned 50-storey high building is a special GOD’s temple. It is to be built according to the pattern of the heavenly sanctuary – the New Jerusalem. It is, therefore, a special di-vine-driven project on the phase of the earth. Its twin towers are to be linked by a 10-storey central lobby with the first two floors, figuratively called “The Court of the Gentiles”, bearing nothing of spiritual benefit, but shops, utilities, and restaurants.
The next 3 stories are to house the main sanctuary auditorium, which is to be used for prayer services and may also be used for sporting and theater activities. Within the central lobby shall be inter-connected TV circuit lounges to be used also as classrooms and conference rooms. Within the great hall shall also be waterfalls, pools, and tropical gardens.
The towers, one shall bear office building, while the other shall bear suites and apartments. The building will also bear underground water storage of up to 300,000 liters capacity, an underground well, underground and surface ground parking bays.
The project is to be undertaken on a two-acre plot within the posh Westlands suburbs, west of Nairobi.
8. Strategy
The total cost of the project is approximately at US-$ 215 million. The funding for this project is sought from all over the world. It is to be financed jointly by grants, partnerships, and if we fail to meet the target we shall also engage real estate companies. Much of the funding is to be raised through Internet advertisement, Ministry’s international book sales, and applying for grants from agencies.
The construction program shall be over 2 to 3 years period. It shall be based on the drawings by Engineering Ministries International, and this shall be listed as Appendix A. Our other service providers are listed on the cover of this proposal. Their obligation to JSCI will be a contractual condition that the contractors will provide themselves to executing the contract to completion within the time period specified in the contract.
The constructors will also provide a realistic program of execution of the works (progress charts) that shall become binding in the event of the contract or being awarded the tender, and subject to any amendments that may be made with the approval of the architect.
9. Utilizing the Donations:
The grants so sourced shall be utilized in the following:
a) Architectural Drawings:
Through the grant, JSCI shall obtain professionally designed architectural plans for the proposed Jerusalem Paradise building. This service is expected to cost 2.5 % of the total project cost, which is US-$ 2 million.
b) Feasibility Study:
Part of the grants we intend to use in carrying feasibility study and thereby come up with a document proving the viability of the planned project to our financiers.This undertaking is expected to cost US-$ 1,500,000.
Where it becomes necessary to engage a mortgage company in financing the additional
monetary requirement to complete the work, the mortgage shall be negotiated for a 20 years period and be based on repayment program of 8.6 % interest p.a. The net projections shall be as follows:
Income Projections (US-$)
rents 5,544,000
offerings and donations 2,200,000
book sales 1,200,000
total income 8,944,000
mortgage repayment 3,480,000
ministry operations 1,650,000
labor 2,000,000
book printing 400,000
audience development 155,000
cars 195,000
reserves for community1,064,000
total expenditure 8,944,000
c) Land Purchase:
JSCI shall purchase a 2-acre plot at Nairobi's Westlands at a cost of US-$ 1,600,000.This will be for the sole purpose of putting up the Jerusalem Paradise Twin Towers building.
d) Water-well:
JSCI shall drill a water-well at the construction site at a cost of US-$ 1,000,000.This cost shall include the construction of a water treatment plant and an underground water tank of 300,000 liters capacity. To be contracted for this work is the water company Davis and Shirtliff (K) Ltd. This will be essential to minimize the expenditure on water bills for construction and operating the facility.
e) Mortgage Deposit:
In the event that the ministry does not realize the target amount, JSCI shall engage a mortgage company or a development bank for the purpose of fulfilling this objective. To qualify for this JSCI needs to put down at least 10 % of the total project cost, i.e. US-$ 21 million.
f) Construction:
US-$ 200 million will be spent in purchasing the materials of construction, hiring equipment and machinery for construction, payment of labor, and professional services.
g) Communication:
The grants will also facilitate communication between JSCI officials and the
service providers by paying for the air tickets where this will become necessary.
10. The Budget
Revenue Projections US-Dollars
i)book sales 2,400,000
ii)grants / sponsorships 22,000,000
iii)mortgage loan 190,000,000
iv)donations 1,600,000
total revenue projections:216,000,000
architectural drawings 2,000,000
feasibility study 1,500,000
land purchase 1,600,000
water-well 1,000,000
book printing 800,000
marketing / audience appraisal 200,000
communication 300,000
construction 200,000,000
bank charges (1% of loan) 1,900,000
taxation on contributions(30%)6,600,000
total expenditure 216,000,000
11. Benefit to JERUSCOS, the Ministry, and the Public
This project will bring great benefits to us, the members of Jerusalem’s Shiners’ Chapel International ministry through its community development wing of JSCI. The rents shall be fixed at 75% of the prevailing market rates. And the rents so collected shall be used for propagation of the Gospel throughout the world, providing for the poor, empowering marginalized communities, and meeting all the other objectives of JSCI spelled out in this proposal.
Those who come to Jerusalem Paradise from afar shall find ready accommodation at a subsidized fee. For this reason, our slogan remains: “What shall one then answer the messenger of the nation? That the LORD has founded Zion, and the poor of His people shall find refuge in it” (Isaiah 14:32).
Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. And the time has come for the establishment of the mountain of the LORD’s house in Africa. For the mouth of the LORD has already spoken it. Through part of the resources generated by the property we thereby intend to impact the world positively by evangelization through telecasts, literature, audio-visual tapes and CDs, print media (newspaper coverage), crusades, the internet, and pulpit preaching at the auditorium. All our major sponsors and contributors will be highlighted on our website, telecasts, and print media.
This work is part of the Great Commission that Christ Jesus commanded His faithful followers to carry out throughout the earth, and it will greatly influence those still living in bondage and captivity by the renewal of their minds through the preaching of the Word of Truth. Africa is still in great spiritual, and thereby mental bondage. Its greatest dilemma is not the disease AIDS, but empowerment! The activities of JSCI ministry and JSCI are geared to empower many to pick themselves from the dust and walk. As people become more enlightened and empowered, we expect to see in this part of the world a great prosperity reminiscent of the industrial revolution of the West in the early 19th century.
Great works last forever. And as the Almighty GOD uses us to perform great works of mankind, when our time of departure from the world comes, we shall have left our footprints on the sands of time for those who shall come after us to follow.
12. Meeting Donor Objectives
◦ This project will benefit a great number of people, especially the marginalized communities.
◦ JSCI will acknowledge your grant in our annual reports and accounts covering
the period of the project.
◦ The ministry will enter into a signed project delivery agreement, in a form satisfactory to you, with the project delivery partners who have been mentioned on Page 1 of this proposal before any funds are paid out.
◦ JSCI shall ensure that delivery partners maintain adequate insurance cover in
the area of their service provision.
◦ JSCI will arrange visits for donors or their staff to the project or any project delivery partner on request.
◦ JERUSCOS shall mention the donors and show their logo in the ministry’s publicity at
all times.
◦ The donor also has the right (under the Contracts-Rights of Third Parties Act of 1999)to enforce any of JSCI rights under the project delivery agreement. The project delivery agreement will hence contain a provision that these rights may not be altered or extinguished without the donor’s written consent.
◦ JSCI will monitor the progress of the project and complete any regular reports
as the donor may require. If asked, JSCI will promptly send the donor a copy of the ministry's annual accounts for the financial year in which grant payment was made.
◦ JSCI shall tell its donors immediately in writing of anything that significantly
delays, threatens or makes unlikely the project completion.
◦ JSCI shall send its donors any further information the donor may ask about the
project or about our organization, its activities, the number of jobs created by the project, the number of users and other beneficiaries, and such other information the donor
may require from time to time.
◦ JSCI shall report regularly and fully to all members of our governing body on
the financial position of our organization.
13. Evaluation
This evaluation is hereby presented as a “before” picture assessment of the "Jerusalem Paradise" project. This is indeed a mammoth project in Kenya, and Africa as a whole, in terms of both capital input and structural height. It is also involving in machinery input. And it will be the very first time that a church in Africa has come up with such a project.
To have the project take off JSCI needs to raise at least US-$ 11 million, to qualify for funding from the mortgage companies and development banks. After the taxation by the Kenyan government at 30 percent, the net figure will constitute the 10 percent capital contribution by JSCI for the project. The 90 percent project funding, in this case, shall be a loan which is to be secured by letters of the negative pledge.
This is not an impossible task taking into consideration the machinery we have put in place to realize this dream. It is more or less similar to what the American Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barrack Obama, put in place early this year to raise funds for his presidential bid, and realized US-$ 32.5 million in three months. Even though we may not match similar targets, nonetheless, we are optimistic JSCI will be able to attain the minimum funds needed.
Nairobi has in the recent past seen major high-rise buildings mark its sky-line. These include Times Towers, NHIF Towers, Kenya-Re Towers, NSSF House, etc. And machinery and expertise for putting up a similar project is not likely to be a hindrance. The cranes which can extend to 200 metres in height are available for lease from local construction firms like Mugoya Construction Company.
Even without the necessity of imports, Kenya is endowed with construction materials in the form of cement, stones, ballast, paint, water supplies, marble and timber. And what Kenya cannot supply adequately like hard-wood timber, the neighbouring Uganda can readily supply through the East African Railway net-work.
Heavy timber panel doors for the sanctuary entrance shall be imported from China at a cost of US-$ 15,000 per door. Eight such doors will be needed. Glass and aluminium frames for the windows and glass panel doors shall be imported from Germany. White marble for external and internal decorations shall be imported from Italy.
The duration of construction is planned to be 2008 to 2010. Labour shall be provided by Kenyans except where foreign consultation becomes necessary.
Your kind contributions can be sent to us by clicking below:
M-Pesa donations can be esnt to us through +254 715 040760.