
Showing posts from 2006

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To find out more write to: Jerusalem's Shiners’ Chapel International P.O. Box 893 – 00100 GPO, Nairobi – Kenya or Email: Tel: +254-733-736471 or +254-715–040760 Fax:+254(0)20 4447022


100% Secure and Safe. Sign in with Credit, Debit Cards, or PayPal and Download Instantly! ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amazon books by Pst. Ombura is available here If the link is not active, copy it and paste to the browser. Seven steps to Dominion with Christ Jesus Learn to become a success with honor and dignity   By Alex O. Ombura Pages:186 Price: U$ 14.95 In need of inspiration? The fear of failure is the greatest phobia among both men and women the world over. Let the knowledge of how to become a success in life lift your spirit from the pit and set your feet onto the path that leads to the city called success. Written with the wisdom of Africa, this book offers a step by step approach to the principles of God which when embraced, learned and applied transforms a person from simplicity...

Mercy project

Entrepreneurship Class and Trainers in Mathare Slums The Living God has declared; “I desire mercy more than sacrifice" (Matthew 12:7). In this juncture lies the simple truth through which happiness is derived: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Our God is God of mercy. In His abundant grace He has freely forgiven us our generational and earthly sins, and has thereby translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious Kingdom of light- the Kingdom of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ: 'As many as believed in Him He gave them power to become the sons of God, even as believed in His name' (John 1:12). We cannot repay God for what He has done for us except appreciate Him and be merciful to the less fortunate members of our society. Almighty God-the Holy One of Israel has commanded: "For the poor shall never cease from the land;and therefore I command you,saying:You shall open your hand wide to your brother,to the poor and the needy in the land"(...

Temple project

Get the Sky Watch widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Not seeing a widget? ( More info ) Every time a free member buys or sells a product out of the product catalogue that free member will get 50% of the profit from that product. Your link: “ And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nation shall flow into it, and many people shall go and say, come, and let us go up the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths, for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:8 and 3). This prophesy is about to be fulfilled in the land of Kenya in its capital city, Nairobi. After the Almighty God had confirmed to me my calling into the ministry the LORD said to me...

About us

Pastor Alex O. Ombura is the founder and leader of Jerusalem's Shiners' Chapel, a worldwide outreach gospel ministry. He is also the developer of the ministry's digital coin - Salemcash. Delivered from the claws of Satan by Christ, he has since been mandated by the Spirit to take to the four corners of the globe a double-edged message of prosperity for the righteous and judgment to the wicked. His great zeal to fulfill this objective has been instrumental in making him what he is today in the world.