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The Amazon books by Pst. Ombura is available here If the link is not active, copy it and paste to the browser.

Seven steps to Dominion with Christ Jesus
Learn to become a success with honor and dignity 
By Alex O. Ombura
Price: U$ 14.95
In need of inspiration? The fear of failure is the greatest phobia among both men and women the world over. Let the knowledge of how to become a success in life lift your spirit from the pit and set your feet onto the path that leads to the city called success.

Written with the wisdom of Africa, this book offers a step by step approach to the principles of God which when embraced, learned and applied transforms a person from simplicity to the level of greatness in any field of undertaking in life.

It embraces a deeper understanding of success and how to relate to it in salvation. It is thus a guide through the very tenets which make kings and priests to our God, namely:

o Salvation
o Anointing
o Understanding one’s destiny
o The love of righteousness
o The benefit of hard work
o Integrity and
o Wisdom

The world is applying these cardinal principles of success selectively and succeeding against the very saints whom they are supposed to profit above all. Embrace and apply this knowledge and live a dignified life of greatness and honor as a child of the Living God.


Aging Well.

*Always wondered how you could age well and improve the quality of your life?

*Here are some invaluable information on Aging Well!

Overcoming the Storms of Life.

*Have you always wanted to empower your family life?
*This book reveals all the secrets on how to empower your life and the life of your loved ones!

Living Better for Less.

Have you always wanted to become your own life coach?

Here are some important tips on how to improve your life!

The Art Of Loving Yourself.

*Find Your Passion and Love of Life Here.

The valley of Decision ( Now Selling). 
By Alex O. Ombura
Pages: 224
Price: US $ 14.95

‘Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe, come get down for the press is full, the fats overflow, for their wickedness is great, Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD God Almighty is near’ (Joel 3:13 and 14). End time – is it real or mere imagination of man? This book drawing from the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, brings this volatile world the saving revelation that will certainly fill the deep void in the souls of many, and answers many questions which never leave any serious thinker in peace.

It is a pool of soul healing power that will transform you from captivity into liberty. Understanding its content is vital to every man and woman who wishes to save his/her soul. Its keys unlock fear and ushers in strength and power to enable you to reign on earth as a priest and king of the Living God.

Analyzing its testimony seriously and making the right decisions will ultimately put you in charge. I, therefore, recommend its reading to every human being living on earth.

For Paper Back:

For E-book:

Stalking the Dragon (Now Selling).
Unlocking the Dark Secrets
by Alex O. Ombura
Pages: 286
Price US $ 19.50
When God visited me in a vision, He placed a radiant golden two-edged sword in my hand, and said to me: "That is the sword of your victory!".In my carnal mind, I thought the Almighty had visited me to give me victory over the revival of my ailing business venture that had collapsed three months earlier.

This, however, marked the beginning of a new transformation in my life that saw me go through great oppression culminating in a life-threatening situation being pitted face-to-face against Lucifer before my redemption finally came. It is a potent narrative that sounds stranger than fiction, yet it is all a real-life experience.

This book reveals the great purpose of this ministry's calling and what it portends to the end-time citizens of this world. Aim to understand it without prejudice.


Quest for Happiness ( Now Selling!
The Paths of Fulfilments
Price: US$14.95

Contributing to happiness is the most demanding of tasks. But, also it is the most rewarding as a person lives in peace and harmony with an eye of fulfillment. Only by aiming at the sky can one reach the mountain top!

When we look out the window, one person sees lush green, floral blooms, cool streams, and a forest cover. But there is one who sees only mud and a vast desert. It is not difficult to tell among the two who have found paradise.

This book teaches God's laid path of happiness. It combines the Scriptural and the experts' views in matters regarding happiness. Make it your esteemed companion.


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